Spring Training: The 2025 B-STS
The 2023 B-STS ride series will consist of Saturday rides in March, April and May
The B-STS is a non-instructional series of progressively more challenging rides. It is aimed at experienced riders who are already familiar with NYCC’s typical single-file group riding style (based on experience with NYCC or a comparable group), and are comfortable with significantly hilly terrain. If you are not sure if these rides are for you, feel free to reach out to B-Rides Coordinator Steve Vaccaro at b-rides@nycc.org. Groups will be available for sign-up at least two paces, B15-16, and B17-18, with a shift from lower to higher speed over the course of the series. The listed pace of each ride reflects the target cruising speed on windless flat asphalt, not the overall average speed at which the group progresses. The leader will adjust the group’s speed for wind, surface, traffic, terrain, and any other relevant conditions so that the group maintains a relatively consistent effort. These rides will be available first-come, first-served on our usual ride sign-up board. Further information regarding each ride is available on the individual ride sign-up page on the ride sign-up board.