Volunteer to help Lead Escape New York

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Saturday, September 28, 2024 - 12:45pm

Escape New York Needs YOU!

The goal of Escape New York is to offer the cycling community a uniquely generous ride and festival so infused with our New York Cycle Club's spirit; so much fun, so well-run, user friendly, thoughtfully detailed and welcoming that it elevates the club, helps NYCC in building a diverse membership and cements ties among the disparate groups that make it happen.

As a volunteer organization, we are committed to finding ways to match volunteers with roles that are both rewarding and manageable. We are open to reconfiguring roles, having multiple people work together in a single role, or creating new roles altogether to ensure that everyone can contribute. If you can see yourself contributing as a volunteer leader, we are seeking individuals to help organize, plan and implement to ensure the day is a fantastic experience for all involved. 

To volunteer to support the ride click here to sign up

Signups closed for this Event

Volunteer to help Lead Escape New York
cycling trips